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Hebei Ruifeng Poultry Equipment Co., Ltd

Shijiazhuang,Hebei,China China

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Principal Empresa Hebei Ruifeng Poultry Equipment Co., Ltd Productos

Productos: 10

chicken cage, broiler cage, poultry rearing cage
Chicken cage, broiler cage, poultry rearing cage

Surface Treatment:Electro Galvanized, Hot Dipped Galvanized, PVC Coated Use:For baby chicken to grow up For hen to make eggs and collect eggs  .

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cage for laying hens, poultry coop
Cage for laying hens, poultry coop

Surface Treatment:Electro Galvanized, Hot Dipped Galvanized, PVC Coated Use:For baby chicken to grow up For hen to make eggs and collect eggs  .

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floor pan feeding system for broilers, broiler rearing in poultry farm
Floor pan feeding system for broilers, broiler rearing in poultry farm

1.Material: entirely hot galvanized mesh, horizontal sliding gate, bottom mesh/rear mesh/partition mesh: 2.5mm thick, upper mesh: 2.5mm thick, front m

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A frame layer cage, laying hens battery cage, egg gathering cage
A frame layer cage, laying hens battery cage, egg gathering cage

Advantages: 1. Ladder type strong and durable, easy tooperate 2. Entire hot dipped galvanizing technology, long life. 3. Big living space, good rai

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pullet rearing, little hens rearing cage system
Pullet rearing, little hens rearing cage system

Material:entirelyhotgalvanizedmesh, horizontalslidinggate, bottommesh/rearmesh/ partitionmesh:2.5mmthick, upper ...

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automatic nipple drinking system, nipple drinker
Automatic nipple drinking system, nipple drinker

Characters of Water Pressure Adjuster: 1.Working pressure 0.1-0.4 Mpa 2.Functional mode water yield 20kg/min, Backwash water yield 35kg/min;3. Water l

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battery cages used in poultry farming
Battery cages used in poultry farming

Features: Comfortablecageforlayerchicken Fullyuseofspace&saveinvestment Lowdiseaseanddeathrate Highly&...

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chicken layer cage poultry farming equipment
Chicken layer cage poultry farming equipment

Chicken layer cage: Material:Galvanized wire made from low carbon steel & hot dip galvanized o& PVC coated Management system The type:ladder ty...

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Cage Equipment for Poultry Pullets and laying hens breeding
Cage Equipment for Poultry Pullets and laying hens breeding

A type: egg layer cage/hen cage( in 3 or 4 tiers) broiler cage & pullet rearing cage(3 tiers---120 bird/unit)  ...

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Floor Multiplies Feeding Space for Broiler Breeders, pan feeding equipment
Floor Multiplies Feeding Space for Broiler Breeders, pan feeding equipment

Feed line system and parameters2. .container volume 120 liter, V hopper3.diameter of plastic pan:360mm, 16 slot4.hot galvanizes pipe s diam...

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Contactar con este vendedor

Janna < Hebei Ruifeng Poultry Equipment Co., Ltd >
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