INGREDIENTS: (may include)
Cereal Grains and Bran, Expeller Pressed
Non-GM Canola Meal, Oat Hulls, Almond Hulls,
Vegetable Protein Meals, Limestone, Bentonite,
Salt, Sodium Bicarbonate, Acid Buf®, Bovatec®,
Molasses, Syrup, Minerals, Trace Elements,
Vitamins and Sweeteners.
• Always provide clean fresh water
• Pellets should not exceed *0% of total intake
(approx. 2% of animal live weight)
• Quality roughage source to be made available
through either pasture, hay or straw
• Proper introduction process to be followed,
with intake built up during the first ***0 days
to avoid sudden changes to the ration
• Best fed through lick feeders with the slide (single
slide feeder) open ****5mm to avoid gorging
MSM Calf Pellet is a 6mm pellet available in
bulk (min. 6MT order) and 1MT Bulka Bags.
• No urea (non-protein nitrogen) used in
these pellets
• Cracked barley option available for slower
starch release and more stable rumen pH
• Does not contain any Restricted Animal Material
• Should only be used for cattle
• Withholding periods Meat and Milk: NIL
Specification (DM Basis)
Typical Analysis
Energy *2.5MJ/kg
Moisture *2.5%
Crude Protein *0.3%
Starch *3.2%
NDF *2.9%
Calcium 1.*7%
Phosphorus 0.*3%
Magnesium 0.*4%