1, Introduction
CaipoWave is a wireless sensor node, main component of Caipos
wireless sensor network. It uses best in class radio module, has
excellent communication range and ultra-low power consumption.
CaipoWave is maintenance free. With single battery it can run for
up to 5 years.
CaipoWave supports four analog and one digital sensor. It sends
data to base station CaipoBase. CaipoBase stores data and forwards
it to web server. CaipoWave does not need any configuration. One
click of a button is enough to pair with a base station and start
sending data.
2, Technical data
1) Battery : Lithium AA 3.6 V, 2.4 Ah
2) Battery durability : 4 - 5 Years
3) Interfaces : 4 x analog, 1 x digital
4) Max. number of sensors : 4
5) Communication range : **3km
6) Radio Standard : IEEE **2.*5.4 **3/**8/**5 MHz
7) Supported by : CaipoBase, CaipoBase Lite, PC