The LookCap is an insulated solderless & copper
terminal cap by which an engineer can check out the electric arc or
overheating, in case these happen, in the area of electric wire
connection job.
The LookCap consists of two distinguished color area. One
is colored part which turns faded up to about *5c~*0c, which means
you check out whether the electric arc or overheating happens at
the connection linked to the terminal and one is a transparent part
through which you can see the electrical wire correctly linked.
The lookCap is highly designed for preventing you from any
potential electrical fire or overheating in connection wire
1) Enabling visual check for the connection between cable conductor
& terminal.
2) Monitoring possible overheating in terminal contact area.
3) Strong resistant material against fire, overheat.
4) The mixing ratio of raw material is critical technology, we arae
proud of
We are very happy to give you more information on your
Thank you,
Yong S Shin