Our trading of dairy is a major provider of various types of dairy
powder in the world. They are processed through a high quality
technique. Our partner state-of-the-art packaging is
designed to preserve the freshness and long-lasting shelf life for
the product.
We provide clients with a wide range of premium whole milk powders
to suit different functional specifications, with varying heat
treatments, instantising, UHT grade and modified bulk densities for
canned products.
Medium Heat Whole Milk Powder (*6% fat)
Our Medium Heat whole milk powder, made by spray drying fresh
pasteurised whole milk, is a soluble powder made for a diverse
range of applications including, confectionery, bakery, recombined
milk and blends.
High Heat Whole Milk Powder
Our High Heat whole milk powder, made by spray drying fresh
pasteurised whole milk, is a soluble powder suitable for recombined
milks, blends, bakery and nutritional products.
UHT Whole Milk Powder
Our UHT whole milk powder is a soluble powder made by spray drying
fresh pasteurised whole milk with a low spore count for UHT
High Fat Whole Milk Powder (*1% fat)
Our High Fat whole milk powder, made by spray drying fresh
pasteurised whole milk, is a soluble powder suitable for recombined
milks, confectionery, and snack foods. It has a typical milk fat
content of *1%.
Instant Whole Milk Powder (*8% fat)
Our Instant whole milk powder, made by spray drying fresh
pasteurised whole milk, is a soluble powder suitable for powdered
retail milks, confectionery, snack foods and nutritional products.
This product is instant to improve its dispersion properties and is
supplied with a typical *8% milk fat content. Alternative milk fat
contents can be made to order.
Instant and Fortified Whole Milk Powder
Our Instant and Fortified whole milk powder, made by spray drying
fresh pasteurised whole milk, is a soluble powder with added
vitamins and/or minerals for powdered retail milks. This product is
instant to improve its dispersion properties and has a typical milk
fat content of *8%.
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Sales & Marketing Director