Non asbestos Valve stem compression sealing gland packing
Application range: All kinds of sealing material
Temperture ° C
Pressure Mpa
pH value
Carbonized Fiber Gland Packing
Shrink-proof synthetic yarn with a special heatresistant,
silicon-oil-free assitive.
Flexible Graphite Gland Packing
Braided packing made of flexible pure graphite with structural
textile fibres.
PTFE Packing
PTFE packing with lubricating assitive.
PTFE Packing with Graphite
PTFE filament yarn with permanently added PTFE graphite dispersion.
The specially developed silicon-oil-free substance has excellent
sliding characteristics and is incorporated in the packing by a
special process
Asbestos PTFE Packing
High-quality asbestos yarn with permanently added liquid PTFE and
lubricating silicon oil.
Aramid(Kevlar) Braided Packing
A high-quality, smooth, synthetic aramide endless fibres(Kevlar)
with PTFE impregnation and lubricant additive. Extremely hard
Remie gland Packing
Ramie fibre with light-coloured. Special PTFE impregnation or
lubricating additive for prevention of product contamination.
GFO gland Packing
PTFE filament yarn with permanently added QFO dispersion as
lubrication additive
PTFE with Kevlar gland Packing
A high-quality combination consistion of graphite-incorporated PTFE
with sliding surface reinforcment made of aramide endless
Cotton gland Packing
Pre-impregnated, twisted cotton yarns, intensively re-impregnated
during braiding.