Our Government has decided to print about *5 m MRPD and
floated International Tender for it as per following.
Name of the Project : International Tender for Introduction of a.
Machine Readable Passport (MRP) ,
The Interested International vender shall have the following
financial background and professional experience:
(a) Minimum turnover of USD one hundred Million in last three
(b) Experience in the supply and implementation of ICAO complaint
Machine Readable Passport (MRP) Machine Readable Visa (MRV) with
one or more security methods
Corresponding personalization and issuance system in the last five
years in at least three different countries.
c. Must have passport personalization solution project reference in
at least three different countries.
d. Experience in the implementation of at least three MRP/MRV
project involving one or more security methods with local/domestic
data capturing and processing in the last five years.
(e) Must be an end-t-end ICAO compliant MRP/MRV issuance solution
provider including manufacturing/Production/supply of passport
books, development and implementation of corresponding
personalization and issuance system, as well as automated border
control / clearance system.
If you think that you are capble to handle these job please contact
us immediatel. We are ready to work as your real local agent with a
promise to provide all sorts of support.