The insulated gate bipolar transistor or IGBT is a three-terminal
power semiconductor device primarily used as an electronic switch
and in newer devices is noted for combining high efficiency and
fast switching. It switches electric power in many modern
appliances: electric cars, trains, variable speed refrigerators,
air-conditioners and even stereo systems with switching
(***0V IGBT Dual Module)
2MG*5B*2STD (*5A/***0V IGBT Module)
2MG**0B*2STD (**0A/***0V IGBT Module)
2MG**0B*2STD (**0A/***0V IGBT Module)
2MG**0B*2STD (**0A/***0V IGBT Module)
2MG**0B*2STD (**0A/***0V IGBT Module)
2MG**0B*2STD (**0A/***0V IGBT Module)
(**0V IGBT Dual Module)
2MG**0N*6TCH (**0A/**0V IGBT Module)
2MG**0N*6TCH (**0A/**0V IGBT Module)
2MG**0N*6TCH (**0A/**0V IGBT Module)
2MG**0N*6TCH (**0A/**0V IGBT Module)
2MG**0N*6TCH (**0A/**0V IGBT Module)