Original Door2 Door, School and Textile Bank collections from
Summer, Winter, Childrens and Mixed Cream clothing sorted in our
purpose built factory by **0 highly trained staff.
We are exporters of high quality used clothing.
We have been supplying Eastern Europe and the former Russian states
for the past *5 years, and are always looking for new partners.
The company has been established in the used clothing business
since ***0.
We have continuous supplies of original & creme clothing.
We provide all relevant documentation.
We are exporting *0 - *5 trucks a week to Eastern Europe , if you
are interested in becoming one of our customers, please get in
You are most welcome to visit our factory to inspect our clothing,
and please look at our website, which will give you an insight to
our company.
Original Door2 Door, School and Textile Bank collections from
Summer, Winter, Childrens and Mixed Cream clothing sorted in our
purpose built factory by **0 highly trained staff.