Taiyuan Xinli Chemicals CO., LTD. Found in October ***8, specializing in the chemicals**9; preparation, development and production. We have several branches : Shanxi Beinuo Chemcials technology research CO,. LTD., Taiyuan Qunyuan Chemicals CO., LTD., Zuoquan Ruilifeng Chemicals CO,. LTD., Changzhi Hengli Chemicals CO., LTD., Qixian Tongli Chemicals CO,. LTD., Xianxian Yunli Chemcials Factory, Shanghai Sell Branch and Shenzhen Sell Branch. There are **0 employees all. Include *5 senior engineers, *0 engineers, 5 doctors, 9 masters. Total production value 2 hundreds million.Shanxi Beinuo Chemcials technology research CO,.LTD cooperate With large graduate school, apply to technology innovation, develop new chemical technology&#****9;new products, make many enterprises have new item, improve quality, reduce consume, reduce contamination, improve technology advancement, reach the environment xxxxx many enterprises develop quickly.
&#****8;&#****8;Base on the research, it i...