LIVI Machinery is a professional manufacturer of poultry farm equipment. With more than *0 years of experience, we can provide complete system products for poultry farms, including automatic battery cages for layer, broiler, and pullet chickens. Additionally, we also offer customers turnkey solutions that consist of design (for land and chicken houses), production (for equipment and prefab steel structure houses), installation, commissioning, customer operational training, and after-sales service.
Livi main products: chicken cages, battery cage, poultry cage, layer cage, hen cage, egg cage, laying hen cage, broiler cage, floor raising system, deep litter system, baby cage, chick cage, pullet cage, brooder cage, etc.
Livi poultry farming machinery: poultry farming equipment, poultry equipment, chicken raising equipment, baby chick chicken cage, battery cage system, chicken cage system, poultry cage system, battery cage syswtem in poultry, battery cage for chicken, etc.