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Persona de contacto Mr. Zhu
Rm C, F10, No4 Bldg, Strength Plaza, No 600, Tianshan Rd, Shanghai, Shanghai
The aluminum cold rolling mill can process the Aluminum coil in thickness of ***0mm from casters and hot rolling. These processed materials can be offered to produce sheet, strip, can, PS sheet, foil, and precision raw material for further processing. According to the gauge of the coils, it can be divided into cold heavy rolling mill and cold finishing rolling mill. The stand type of it is four-high cold rolling mill. Process flow of aluminum cold rolling mill Coil loading car***- payoff reel ***-centering device ***-pinch roll ***-entry bridle device***- main rolling mill ***-thickness gauge ***-hydraulic shear***- guiding device***- tension reel***- wrapper***- coil unloading car. Specification: Material:Cast or hot rolled Input strip thickness:**8mm Input strip width:*******0mm Output strip thickness:0.**2.0mm Output strip width:*******0mm Max. rolling speed:**0m/min.
País: | China |
N º de Modelo: | ACRL-1 |
Precio FOB: | Obtener el precio más reciente |
Lugar de origen: | - |
Precio de pedido mínimo: | - |
Cantidad de pedido mínimo: | - |
Detalle de embalaje: | - |
El tiempo de entrega: | - |
Capacidad de suministro: | - |
Tipo de pago: | - |
Grupo de productos : | - |