Dear Sir, We are gold miners from Ghana.We have gold bars in stocked ready for sale. We have financier to sponsor our gold shipment on cif delivery to the Buyer refinery ..Buyer will let his bank i...
Inertes bolas de xido de aluminio cermico se utilizan ampliamente en muchos campos, incluyendo el petrleo, la ingeniera qumica, la produccin de fertilizantes, el gas natural y la proteccin del medi...
Tenemos gran variedad de productos de calidad Porcelnico pulido Chuizhibuliao.
1 Nombre del producto: azulejo pulido de la porcelana Chuizhibuliao
2 Nmero de artcu...
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Single-ended power inverter pulse transformer, the core work in the first quadrant, thus requiring high-frequency transformer core with low loss, high saturation magnetic induction Bs,
Dear Sir, Our company has large quantities of Gold Bars in our company warehouse ready for sales. We have tons of Gold Bars in our deposit...We look for a big Buyer who can buy the gold in large qu...
We are Gold Mining Company in Africa.We have Gold bars in our company warehouse ready for sale. We have large quantity of gold bars stored in our warehouse and we have more tons of gold to pr...
Hello Buyer, Our company is looking for a potential Gold Buyer. Our company has more Au Gold Bars in stocked ready for supply. We ship AU Gold Bars on CIF to Buyer refinery on weekly basis. Buyer m...
We are Gold Mining Company ..Our copany is looking for a Gold Bars Buyer to sign long term contract. If you are a Gold buying company or Gold Buyer or Gold Buyer mandate and you are looking for Gol...
Hi Gentle Men, Our company has au dore gold bars ready for deliver. Our company ship the gold bars on cif to the Buyer refinery. We only accept MT **9 Blocked fund or SBLC from Buyer as payment gua...
We are gold mining company in Ghana. Our company is having gold bars in our warehouse ready for sale. We are looking for gold Buyer from any part of the world to do business with us. We can supply ...
Dear Sir/Madam, We are one of the reputable mining companies in Ghana, Our company is having large quantity of Gold Bars ready sales. We are looking for a Buyer from any part of the world to eastab...
Premium Quality Ceramic Tiles Our Premium Ceramic Tiles are crafted with precision and care, offering both aesthetic appeal and durability. These tiles are made from top-grade materials, ens...
MST Tile Levelling System Achieve Perfect Tile Alignment with Ease The MST Levelling System guarantees superior flatness between tiles by preventing unwanted movements during the mortar sett...
Hello , I am a broker for gold and diamonds and I have few sellers with stocks, some of my sellers I am a direct mandate with commission on every transaction. Ist possible for us to deal on the bas...
Almina activada tiene mucho micro-trayectorias, por lo que la superficie especfica es grande. Puede ser utilizado como desecante absorbente y soporte de catalizador. Tambin es un tipo de desecante ...
Clay pelota tambin se nombra como bola de barro. Est hecha de arcilla de alta calidad, y se sinteriza con temperatura alta. El color es fresco y su apariencia es global y suave, con uniformidad. Y ...
Nombre: bolas de circonia
Categora: estabilizada con itria bolas de circonia
Tecnologa: Sinterizacin
Tama o :0.***5mm
Densidad: 6.0g/cm3
Acumulacin d...
Ellos son los ms ideales alta eficiencia medios de trituracin para moler materiales de esmalte, y el mineral en polvo diferentes. Estn utilizando cermica, cementos, pinturas, polvos refractarios, m...
Ceramic saddle is improved from the arc saddle, it changes the both arched surface to rectangular surface and makes the interior and exterior radius of curvature different, this construction overco...
eramic pall rings are originated through improvement of raschig ring. Their open structures effectuate separation of gas and liquid streams and thus facilitate a more effective mass transfer. And d...
cido / calor baldosas resistentes, placas y tubos son materiales especiales utilizados en calderas de reaccin diferentes, columnas, tanques y piscinas Stiring saturexes, as como de alta temperatur...
Nos gustara presentar nuestra empresa como lder en la fabricacin de baldosas de cermica vidriada, se encuentra situado en China.
1 Nombre del producto: Baldosas de cermica
This product is also available on Amazon for retail.
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